This is a bit later than I would have liked it to be originally, but life got in the way. Regardless, it's here now for dianerds over at the OSR discord server. I was specifically asked to come up with "Systems for homesteading, for letting players sow and reap the land in a variety of ways, for building strongholds and for watching communities grow."
Now this is very, very late. Sorry about that. BUT, without further ado...
- Destitute - Little more than a camp, or roofless ruin. The surrounding area is entirely wild or inhospitable. There's no agriculture, trade, or services available here.
- Poor - A single small house or farmstead. Subsistence farming, with just enough to squirrel some money and resources away. No true services, but resource collection is possible.
- Fair - Small farming community or trading post. Infrequent travelers and traders. One or two specialized services such as a blacksmith or stable. Produces or trades enough resources to maintain a comfortable larder.
- Good - As Fair, but has walls and dedicated security. Active, frequent trade routes with potentially dozens of non-permanent residents.
- Flourishing - As Good, but growing into a fully-fledged town. Numerous permanent structures, businesses, and housing. This will attract attention, whether good, or bad.
For the random encounters, I suggest something like the "Wilderness Hexes" by d4caltrops. It provides a good set of hooks for the area surrounding the Homestead. There are a ton of resources available for this and I always find it's a good opportunity to crack open one of the books I have sitting on my shelf.
- Squatters - Unwanted, potentially belligerent beings have moved into the camp. 1-in-6 they are hostile, 2-in-6 they flee while trying to steal from the camp. They will be back multiple times and seem willing to negotiate.
- Animal Attack - A predatory, or perhaps just territorial creature has made its presence known. If left alone, it will eat food or accidentally destroy equipment. 1-in-6 chance each encounter it is violent. Maybe there's some way to help it.
- Expansion Proposal - 1-6 chance for an investor to offer 75% of the funds needed to Advance in exchange for a favor at a later date (50% chance they're a devil in disguise). 2-in-6 chance of a quest worth 25% the necessary funds to Advance upon completion. 3-in-6 chance of discovering a new resource to exploit, such as minerals, crops, fur, rare herbs, marble, or timber.
- Tax Collector - Somehow, the tax collectors have found out you exist. They will present legitimate documents demanding 10% of what it cost to advance to that tier, minimum of 10 gold. 25% chance any given tax collector is open to bribery. Failure to pay taxes in money or goods may result in attempted arrest.
- Wandering Trader - Roll on a random treasure table 5 times. 4 items are 110% base price, and the 5th is marked down to 80% base price. No haggling, trades accepted.
- Unusual Harvest - 2-in-6 chance the harvest of a random natural resource is tripled. 2-in-6 chance it is halved. 2-in-6 chance it is stolen or otherwise hindered from being collected.
- Notable Resident - Either a high-level fighter, cleric, magic user, or craftsperson, nobility, or infamous criminal moves in. 1-6 chance for each.
- Raid! - A fighting force with 1d6 times as many combatants as the Homestead (including the party) attempts to raid the Homestead. They will not fight to the death and will not harm anyone who surrenders, but will harm or kill those who resist. Their goal is to steal and ransack as much as they can in 1d6 x 10 minutes before fleeing back to where they came. If their leader is captured or killed, they will retreat. If enough damage is done, the GM may decide that the Homestead becomes Good (or worse) rather than Flourishing.